Reference page apa format example
Reference page apa format example

reference page apa format example

Reference lists must be double-spaced, with a hanging indent:.Additionally, volumes of journals are also italicized. The following should be italicized: Titles of books, ebooks, newspapers, journals, magazines, movies, dissertation/thesis, films, videos, television series, podcasts, YouTube videos, artwork, maps, music albums and unpublished manuscripts.In these cases, use “headline” capitalization (meaning you capitalize all words except articles, conjunctions, and prepositions).

reference page apa format example

The only exception to this rule is when you list the titles of magazines, newspapers, or academic journals that contain the articles you’re quoting. When listing titles, the only words you should capitalize are the first word of the title, the first word of the subtitle (if there is one), and proper nouns (Russia, Eleanor Roosevelt).

reference page apa format example

  • Make sure that all citation information (names of authors, titles, volume and issue numbers, edition number, page numbers, city and state name, publisher name and location information) is correct.
  • References cited in text must appear in the reference list and vice versa (exception for personal communication which is not included in a Reference list).

  • Reference page apa format example